锤磨机破碎机 are known to generate material finer than 3/16" (4mm), 这在某些应用程序中可能是不受欢迎的. 然而, 如果精细材料有市场的话, 或者在期望的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸范围内是否可以接受, Hammermills can achieve reduction ratios that may otherwise require multiple crushers.

These crushers can be used in mining and aggregate material reduction, 成品的选矿, 铝土矿及类似矿石的初级还原, 细磨石灰(碳酸钙).

为什么是菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Hammermill crusers

通过多年的经验和提炼, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 engineers have designed two distinct families of 锤磨机破碎机. These crushers are capable of processing a wide range of materials. If you are looking for reliable performance and a solid return on your investment, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s Universal lines of 锤磨机破碎机 are the perfect answer for you. 有许多型号可供选择, 还有多种选择的锤子和炉排组合, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 can provide a specially formulated mill to fit your specifications, along with customer support to ensure it runs efficiently for the life of the machine.



通用锤锤大师已经完善了许多年, beginning with the Universal Pulverizer nearly a century ago. HammerMaster是一种高速磨粉机,以其产生高质量骨料的能力而闻名, 立方体形状, 具有优异的健全性. 三种尺寸可供选择, HammerMaster is known for making excellent asphalt chip material, 具体的石头, 以及一般基材和路面岩石. This mill is also capable of making agricultural lime for pH control in farm fields. 


通用LimeMaster与HammerMaster是在同一时期开发的,包含了许多相同的组件. 然而, LimeMaster is solely focused on generating pulverized lime. Most 石灰石 quarries and mines produce an abundance of fines. 在某些情况下, 经过仔细筛选,他们可以创造出适销对路的ag石灰或化学石灰,而无需进一步投资. 随着这些市场的扩大, LimeMaster可以添加到操作中,大大增加了这种有价值菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的产量, 也被称为碳酸钙.


通用工业锤磨机有三种不同的风格,围绕特定类型的操作设计. 我们提供 标准锤磨机无堵塞锤磨机 和 Centerfeed锤磨机. 所有的工业锤磨机都有一个共同的重点,即严格的责任结构和符合广泛应用问题的能力. The Standard and 无堵塞锤磨机s are considered primary crushers, with some models capable of accepting a maximum feed size of 72" (1,830mm). 中心给料锤式粉碎机是一种二级破碎机,设计用于接受来自初级的给料,顶部尺寸范围为3“至5”(75mm至125mm)。. 工业锤磨机并不局限于石灰石或石膏,它们在世界范围内以加工铝土矿而闻名, 镍矿, 磷酸盐矿石, 煤炭, 宠物可口可乐, 粘土, 页岩, 当然, 石灰石.


所有的万能锤磨机工作在三种主要的减少方法:冲击,剪切和摩擦. 物料从垂直溜槽进入磨机, 它与锤子的前缘接触, 每一个都牢牢地固定在旋转的转子上. The hammer is pinned to the rotor body and allowed to swing, and lay back to some degree. 离心力使锤保持伸展, 和 inertia force unleashed on the material shatters the rock on impact. 颗粒从冲击板或破碎块反弹回锤圈. 在一瞬间, 物料被送入炉排或笼组件, where shear forces reduce the larger particles and carry them across the grate surface, 把颗粒磨成可控的级配. 一旦颗粒缩小到合适的尺寸,格栅和笼组件中的开口允许颗粒从磨机中逸出.

Hammermills can be used to achieve a number of goals beyond simple material reduction. 在许多石灰岩地层中, seams or stratus contains soft deleterious material like chert, 页岩或泥岩. This material can adversely affect the value of the finished product. 可以设置一个锤磨机来粉碎软石,并在一次通过磨机的过程中剪切较硬石的边缘. Screening after the mill allows for separation of the pulverized deleterious material, 而更立方体的石头继续通过系统.

标准和非堵塞工业锤磨机旨在减少材料标称3“至5”(75mm至25mm)输出. 这些是初级破碎机, commonly followed with Centerfeed Mills or other types of secondary stage crushers. HammerMaster也是一种二级破碎机,最大进料尺寸为6“(150mm). The hammers used in the HammerMaster line of mills all weigh 60 lbs (27kgs), 哪一种能产生足够的力使一块6英寸的石头破裂并保持从转子伸出来. The Centerfeed 工业锤磨机 incorporate various hammers of size and weight. Larger models of Centerfeed锤磨机s may allow up to 8” (200mm) maximum feed size.



Reduction ratio is often measured by dividing the F80 by the P80. The F80 is the particle size where 80% of the feed material is smaller than that size. The P80 represents a particle size where 80% of the product is smaller. 减量比将随每一个应用在每一个系列的锤磨机和应用的能量量而变化. 

  • HammerMaster Crushers are limited by horsepower and feed size, so depending on the grate selection and desired product size in closed circuit, 减量比将在6:1到20:1之间.
  • LimeMaster Crushers are also limited by horsepower and feed size, 所以无论你是想做一个粗糙的3/8“化学石灰还是一个典型的3/16”石灰, 减少比例将在16:1到60:1之间.
  • 工业锤磨机, 比如《菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全》, 无堵塞, 和Centerfeed, 设计的组件使他们能够专注于每个应用程序中最期望的减少和输出. 这意味着, 鉴于应用能源的范围很广, 还原比可以跨越很宽的范围.  

锤式破碎机通常处理石灰石, 大理石, 页岩, 石膏, 磷酸, 铝土矿, 铝渣, 铀, 冰晶石, 烧块, 生石灰, 石油焦和煤.


  • 能源工厂把石灰和煤作为燃料
  • 水泥厂碾磨石灰石、页岩和粘土
  • 化工厂生产各种碳酸盐粉末
  • 铝冶炼厂加工ROM铝土矿和渣滓
  • 干墙制造商首先将石膏煮熟并磨碎
  • 生石灰制造商将碳酸钙煮熟并粉碎
  • 石油焦,作为石油精炼的副菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全
  • 煤矿减少ROM,以供煤粉或更细的货物装运

在考虑更换锤子和衬垫的成本时,测试材料的磨蚀特性是合乎逻辑的第一步. 在某些情况下, when you are replacing a similar type Hammermill also fitted with manganese wear metal, 这不是一个重要的因素. 然而,在新装置中,强烈建议对材料进行化学分析. 当将矿山扩展到材料特性可能发生变化的地层时,这也适用.


  1. What is the geological description or mineralogy of the material?
  2. What is the specific gravity of the hardest or most abrasive element to be processed? 这通常是围绕着客观矿石的寄主石. If there is significant difference, we need the percentage of each.
  3. 如果是石灰石, 我们需要一个化学分析,用重量的百分比来描述下列每种化合物的含量:SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 和MgCO3

Drive and power components are important not only for budgetary reasons, but also due to line power restrictions from the utility company. 锤磨机破碎机 often require a 1:1 ratio comparing horsepower to tph throughput. 在许多应用中,这个比例可以增加到3:1,当需要精细研磨时甚至可以增加到5:1.

通常选择通过柔性联轴器直接驱动, when and if a motor of the same rpm can be locally sourced and serviced. 然而, 这限制了在材料形成或菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全规格发生变化时改变RPM的能力.

v带传动装置是非常常见的小型轧机, 提供的能力,改变速度与轮轴变化,并可设置一个或两个电动机. 

双电机驱动允许更小的标准框架电机, 哪一种价格更低, 具有竞争力的价格. 如果其中一个电机与固态降压启动器连接,您也可以节省运营成本. 当使用降低电压启动器启动破碎机时,峰值电流消耗保持在最小值. 只有在破碎机完全达到速度后,第二个电机才通过跨线启动器接合. Utility companies often charge a premium for peak amperage draw.

HammerMasters和LimeMasters也提供可更换的尖锤代替标准头锤. They are also offered with an optional feed chute to accommodate the conveyor feed.

工业中心给料锤式磨机也可在转子下方的中心出料点处配置疏水机构. 这个疏水阀阻塞了物料的流动, forcing all the material to extrude through the grate openings. This trap also provides a relief for any tramp iron that may enter the chamber. 机械臂延伸穿过基础框架,以便在排空疏水阀时方便进入, 哪个是用枢轴销和铰链固定的.

液压进入破碎机也可用于较大的工业锤磨机. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全不仅可以提供液压调节, 同一液压动力单元可用于打开和关闭检修舱口进行检查和维护.

When a Hammermill is selected and recommended for a specific application, 带格栅的破碎室, 冲击板和锤将被考虑在锤磨机的估值. 

在大多数情况下, capacity of a Hammermill Crusher is based on the desired reduction ratio, toughness of the material 和 energy applied to accomplish the reduction. 转子组件的直径和宽度适应饲料的顶部尺寸和磨削和挤压输出所需的表面积. The amount of energy applied will then result with a design capacity, which will always fluctuate with changes in the toughness or friability of the material. 本质上, 对于工业锤磨机,最好依靠邦德理论来确定所需的马力.

  • 纽带理论-这个粉碎理论,由弗雷德C. Bond,建立了确定工作指数(Wi)与给定的材料分类有关. 功指数是粉碎参数,表示物料对破碎和粉碎的阻力.

在锤锤大师和石灰大师破碎机的情况下, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全设计了带有转子尺寸的破碎机, shaft and bearings to handle a variety of applications at a specific horsepower rating. 因为电源元件是固定的, capacities can be pre-determined based on 石灰石 and various reduction ratios.

Hammermills can achieve reduction rations that may otherwise require multiple crushers.

特性 & 好处
  • 焊接钢底座
  • 耐磨钢衬垫
  • 铸锰断路器板
  • 转子组件与阶梯孔
  • 坚固的外壳和转子结构
  • 双列,自调心球面滚子轴承
  • 钻锥形轴,以便液压轴承拆卸
  • 多种类型和模型尺寸
  • 预先设计的聚合模型
  • 定制配置的轧机用于工业用途
  • 所有型号的锤选择
  • 适合应用的格栅和保持架组件


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